Friday, May 31, 2013

LEAVING MEMPHIS...Heading to Paris, May 31, 2013

Heading to Paris today.  Suitcase packed, all documents ready for the exit from USA to the entrance into France, trusting all is in order for the transition, once again.  Had coffee from the Eiffel Tower mug this morning like most mornings in Memphis.  You see my heart is only a dream away from being in Paris once again. Yes, once again.  How many times have I been to Paris? 
1. Jerry and I were there for one week in April, 2007
2. Katherine Kyle and I were there for one week in September, 2010
3. Jerry and I were there for 3 months June-August, 2011
4. Jerry and I were there for 3 months May-July, 2012

So, why now?  once again?  And, this time alone?  How can I explain it?  It is the beauty, the creativity at every turn, the Seine River and the each of the 37 Pont (bridges), the museums, the art, music, mystery, rain, sunny days, people, people and yes, even the Metro.  All in All, PARIS is a Feminine City that calls out to me. Was there one of my past lives spent in Paris?  Hopefully during these blogs, I will be able to share some of the "heart and soul" of Paris with you from my adventures.

Jerry and I last night, May 30, 2013 at one of our favorite Downtown Memphis Restaurants,where we    dinned on French cuisine.
It feels strange Jerry NOT going with me to Paris, 2013.  Why isn't he going? He says, "I am tired of
Paris" he says. But, "go ahead if you want to go".  So, here I go!!!

 The sunsets over Memphis are powerful as these two pictures prove.  I will hopefully post sunsets over the Seine River from time to time as well.

Here I am in front of our house in Memphis. From here I will move to the airport for a  late afternoon flight.  Head to Atlanta, then out of there at 11pm.  You know everything goes thourgh Atlanta.

Tomorrow, June 1, I will Arrive in PARIS at 2pm.  Look for future posts, as long as I can figure out how to post on the blog from Paris on on this I-PAD.

Metro Martha now in Paris!!!